Coronavirus update

To our Valued Customers

Weldon Solutions, along with all non-critical businesses, have been asked by the Governor of Pennsylvania to cease operations inside our physical building to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  While this will present some challenges for us, we are most concerned with the health of our employees and have agreed to comply with this request as of the end of business March 20, 2020.

While this will inevitably slow down the progress of the projects we have on our floor, it will not ‘close’ our business. The Weldon team will take a work from home approach starting immediately. The Weldon team will be available by phone and email to help you with any needs you may have. We will also move forward working on as many projects as we can while away from our physical building.

Because we value your business, I am listing below some key personnel with their cell phone number and email addresses so you can better reach us. We will attempt to respond to everyone as quickly as possible.

Travis Gentzler – President
Cell 717-870-6294

Carl Moon – Vice President
Cell 717-818-6559

Willie Godfrey – Customer Service
Cell 717-324-6670

Paul Garner – Production Manager/Customer Service
Cell 717-880-6926

Charles Gales – Manager of Automation Sales
Cell 717-572-8894

Ben Cornbower – Manager of Grinder Sales
Cell 717-324-1023

Other Important Emails:

Please understand, the health and wellbeing of our employees and their families is of the utmost importance to us here at Weldon. We accept this request to cease operations inside our building as our civic duty during an unspeakable crisis for our country. Rest assured, we will return to normal activities just as soon as we are permitted. Until then, we pray this virus will pass quickly and we can all get back to our normal lives as soon as possible.


Travis D. Gentzler
Weldon Solutions

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