Understanding the benefits of grinders


The Advantages of Grinding

In an era of modernizing industrials, Weldon Solutions understands the need for equipment that increases productivity for our clients. Therefore, Weldon offers a complete line of eight CNC grinder models to meet the accelerating needs and handle the most demanding applications.

Weldon’s capabilities include conventional grinding as well as high-speed superabrasive grinding.

The benefits of integrating CNC grinding into your production include:

  • Increasing productivity and efficiency.
  • Improved part quality.
  • Superior process control.
  • Easy operation, requiring less operator skill.
  • Rapid payback on your investments.

CNC grinding offers a more versatile and efficient solution for many applications and operations compared with manual processes. The process can be used to cut and finish materials such as carbides, ceramics, aerospace alloys and hard tool steels.

Weldon CNC grinders are specifically designed to produce fine surface finishes with ultra-high precision to reduce the amount of waste and eliminate inconsistency of products. A CNC grinder can also reduce the possibility of producing products that do not meet the need for which they are made.

Peel Grinding Solution

In 1997, Weldon Solutions began its peel grinding development within the Aerospace industry. The peel grinding process was ideal for grinding exotic materials like Inconel, which tend to load the grinding wheel using conventional abrasives in plunge grinding processes.

Manufacturers have resorted to using peel grinding instead of conventional plunge grinding to shorten setup time by avoiding wheel and dresser roll changes. This allows for shorter lot runs and reduced “work-in-process” inventory.

Peel grinding can also provide improved statistical control, reduce tooling costs and address keyways and slots that are difficult to cut when turning with single-point tools.

Peel grinding allows for grinding of long thin parts without the need for steady-rest support due to the low normal force compared to conventional plunge grinding.

Automation Solution for Grinding

With shorter installation times, manufacturers can lower integration costs and use one robot to manage multiple machines with several operations running simultaneously. Compared to human technicians, robots can move more quickly, which increases throughput and speeds up the return on investments.

By implementing robotics for grinding, a company will have more valuable floor space and eliminate the need for skilled operators to perform repetitive tasks.

With more than 40 years of designing and building CNC grinders, Weldon Solutions is committed to providing our clients with high-quality, cutting-edge grinding and automation technologies.

Are you ready to learn how a CNC grinder can support your growing business? Contact Weldon Solutions today.

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