Employee of the Quarter solves candy bar sorting challenges


When a former Weldon Solutions engineer left the company, the candy bar sorting automation project he was working on needed a helping hand, so application engineer Ryan Foster was assigned to the job.

Foster, who was recently selected as Weldon Solutions’ Employee of the Quarter, faced significant challenges when he started working on the Gertrude Hawk Chocolates project.

The specialty chocolate company wanted to automate the process of removing and sorting six different flavors of chocolate bars from several boxes all into one assorted flavor box on a conveyor belt after they are wrapped.

The process, which was previously done by hand, is now completed by four robots. Thanks to Foster’s expertise, the project is back on track.

Foster began his employment with Weldon in 2020, but he has been working with robots since soon after graduating college in 2015 when he worked as a process engineer.

“I was surprised to be selected Employee of the Quarter,” Foster said. “I’m usually on the road or tucked away at my desk working, so I’m not always the most visible person. It felt good to be recognized for the hard work I put in.”

If your business needs automation assistance, contact us and we’ll be glad to discuss the most ideal options.


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